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Gàidhlig | Scottish Gaelic

Brosnachaodh do na Gaidheil, Alasdair Mac Mhaighstir Alasdair (Alexander MacDonald)

Brosnachaodh do na Gaidheil, Alasdair Mac Mhaighstir Alasdair (Alexander MacDonald)

Gàighlig (Scottish Gaelic) is a Goidelic Celtic language which separated from an Mheán-Ghaeilge (Middle Gaelic) in the 4th century, and is one of Europe’s Indigenous languages. It is currently an endangered language, due to extensive efforts by the British government to suppress the Celtic languages since the 1700s.

Currently, there are approximately 60,000 Gàidhlig fluent speakers and an additional 30,000 beginning or intermediate speakers. Recognition of Gàidhlig as one of Scotland’s official languages has benefited revitalization; Gàidhlig is classified as an Indigenous language in Scotland and in the European Union. 

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